OTES on the Go the easiest most efficient way to complete OTES requirements
•Complete short OTES walkthrough evaluations
•Complete formal narrative observations with greatly reduced typing
•Copy data directly to eTPES for Option 1 schools
•Create PDF forms for Option 2 schools
•Rate narrative observation and all evidence with the OTES rubric
•Schedule observations/send to your calendar
•Create custom walkthrough forms
•Create yearly reports or date range reports
•Auto complete the Teacher Performance Evaluation Rubric
•Building summary reports for walkthroughs and formal observations
•Easily dictate hand written observations directly into OTES on the Go
•Add district specific forms to the OTES on the Go
•Transfer data from one observation or walkthrough to another
•Complete Evaluation Rubric Checklist to document a teacher's skill, areas of need and targets for improvements
•Includes the Professional Growth Plan
•Import teacher names and email addresses
•Transfer an observation to another computer, iPad or iPhone
•Works on an iPhone, iPad, Mac or PC
•Depth of Knowledge (DOK) integrated into walkthroughs and formal observations
Frequently Asked Questions
You must have FileMaker Go 15 or greater installed on your iPad to use this solution. If you don't have FileMaker Go installed on your iPhone/iPad, FileMaker Go is a free app on the iTunes App store. After installing FileMaker Go , the App will open with a tour of FileMaker Go. If you want to close the tour, tap on the circle icon or folder in the upper left corner and select Close File.
Download FileMaker Go 19
iOS 13 or greater Safari will no longer automatically open linked files from like previous iOS versions. Files in iOS 13 or greater are download to the iPad/iPhone and must then be manually opened. If you are using iOS 13 or greater there are now a few extra steps you need to do to install this app:
1. After tapping the download link, you should be prompted with a message box asking you if you want to download. Tap Download
2. An icon will appear in the upper right corner of Safari (circle with a down arrow). Tap the icon and then the downloaded file after it is finished downloading.
3. Tap on the share icon (square with an up arrow). Tap Copy to FileMaker Go from the horizontal list of Apps.
4. After the program is installed you should open the Files app on you iPad/iPhone to delete the downloaded file to free up memory on your iPad/iPhone
OTES 2.0 INSTALLATION (2020 Rubric)
Tap to Download OTES on the Go to your iPad or iPhone (5 or greater) (FileMaker Go 15 or greater must first be installed).
Click to download Windows or Mac version
OTES on the Go help PDF
For a Limited time, the following iPad/iPhone Apps are free:
Caught Being Good - Create personalized reward certificates from your iPad or iPhone
Daily Reports on the Go -Easily create daily reports for students
Student Growth Calculator - the easiest way to track student growth
Common Core on the Go - manage student progress on the Common Core standards
TES on the Go - Teacher Evaluation/Observations (all states besides Ohio)
Rimp on the Go - track student progress for the Ohio 3rd grade guarantee
Student Learning Objective on the Go- Create Ohio SLOs and measure student progress
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. My district is an Option 1 district and I have to enter all the observation data into eTPES. Can OTES on the Go help me?
OTES on the Go now has an option to log into eTPES directly from OTES on the Go. You can use all of the great features in OTES on the Go to enter your observations. Then easily copy the data from OTES on the Go into eTPES. This also gives you the option to do your observations offline and transfer the data to eTPES when you have a WiFi connection. You can also export all of the data to a text file that can be used to copy the data to eTPES.
2. I’m not a very good typist and I prefer to hand write my observations. How can OTES on the Go benefit me?
OTES on the Go actually works very well if you hand write observations. You can use the microphone option on the iPad keyboard to dictate the written observation into OTES on the Go. Then you can take advantage of all of the great features in OTES on the Go.
3. Can OTES on the Go be used just on a computer?
Yes, if you have FileMaker Pro 14 or greater installed on the computer. You can download a trial version of FileMaker Pro at Download Trial
The OTES on the Go file can be downloaded at Download OTES
4. I’m worried about losing all of my data if something happens to my iPad. What can I do to prevent this?
You can easily send a copy of the OTES_otg file that contains all of your data to another storage location. If something happens to your iPad, you can reinstall the copied file with all of your data. The procedures on how to make a copy of the OTES_otg file are covered in the OTES on the Go Help. Your district could also use the network version of OTES on the Go which does not store any data on the iPad.
5. I use the network version of OTES on the Go. How can I work on OTES on the Go if I don’t have a WiFi connection?
OTES on the Go now has the ability to transfer an observation from the standalone version of the program to the network version of the program. So when you don’t have a WiFi connection you could work on the standalone version and transfer it to the network when you have a WiFi connection.
6. Occasionally I will do an observation of two teachers team teaching. Can I copy the observation into another observation?
There is now an option in OTES on the Go to copy and transfer an observation or walkthrough to another observation or walkthrough.
7. How can I work on by iPad or iPhone and my computer?
If you use the network version of OTES on the Go, you can use an iPhone, iPad and computer to enter data.
8. Should I rate everything I observe with the OTES Rubric?
This is up to the user but it is recommended to rate items that you think are significant to the observation.
9. Occasionally the program doesn’t work as expected. What can I do about this?
When the program doesn’t work as expected it is recommended to restart the iPad. A restart of the iPad usually will correct a majority of the problems you might have with the program. Another option is to check the website (www.psfe.com/otes.html) to see if you have the latest update to the program. Updates include new features and bug fixes. An update can be downloaded to your iPhone or iPad from the website.
10. Can district specific forms be added to OTES on the Go?
OTES on the Go has an option to use custom district specific forms. Contact Practical Solutions For Educators for more information on adding district specific forms to OTES on the Go.
11. Can I use both OTES 1 and OTES2?
Yes you can use both versions and your license allows you to use both versions at no additional cost.